Immoderate Musings;
Quibblesome Quarrels;
Risible Rhapsodies on
Music and Morals

David Van Alstyne

Verses 241 - 296

250 / 260 / 270 / 280 / 290

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And as for the
241) libertine lunacy of those lolloping loopy loons, those
unenlightened luminaries of schlock and maculation, those
licentious gurus leering through a kooky, criminous crock: their
superbly fetching but still and all infernal sustentation
242) physiological contortion and mental destabilization by the
stylization of such graphically associative gyration
in a
pulverizing, plaster-cracking, ear-splitting generation of
marketably animalistic, subcortical titillation,
along with their
243) masses, their millions, of mindlessly miscarried minions whose
misemployed pelf and its economic preponderation, whose
eupeptic spates of self-serving panegyrics, whose
erosively grungy, encomiastic emulation
244) serves to keep feeding our boobish, lazily lurdan and
preciously latitudinarian state of disorganization
; the
consumable fundament of unfiltered, fulsome filth: our
insatiable apetence for succulent vulgarization;
while this
245) optative opus opines obviously not, nor
oppugns uptight with deontological thunderation
, it neither
niggles with natty nips or aphoristic non sequiturs, nor
gamely gimps with gambits of platitudinal ossification,
246) traduces with any order of impish impartation of
unkind or inclemently impudent imprecation
, nor
inveigles, feints or finagles with fallacious didactics or
any chic shibboleths of subreptitious allegation
247) without absence of malice is it glibly adversarial with
platonic obliquities of extortive evasion
, nor does it
glumly inveigh with any peevingly eggheaded,
discrepantly discursive disgraces of deviation
nor would it
248) ever be intended to outrage by the ordure of
odious obloquy
in stiff, stubbornly scrappy and
impulsive defiance against supposedly imposing
structures or standards of self-regulation
nor is it
249) willed to be an unwieldy, wild and wooly wail whose
whalish warp and woof is to widely wiggle and waffle
, nor is it a
hornswoggling gammon, an indefensibe diatribe, or an
ignorant, extraordinarily illiberal incarnation
250) rapacious advocacy by the dialectic distortion of
occult logomachies
, or donnish dogmatization in a
doltishly dithyrambic, knockdown dither
, or any other
old-fashioned obtrusion of Olympian obnubilation,
nor is it a
251) dismally undiplomatic, hurtfully hard-boiled,
incensingly impolitic incendiary bomb, all the more
miserably misanthropic, or at least ontically operose, by its
assertively assumptive avouchment of the added adaptation
of that
252) adolescently antipodean and freely factitious catholicity which
leaves plenty of room for oleaginous oscillation and
affords more than a few unforgettable frets and flowery flourishes of
paradigmatic reversal and confounding confutation
but is rather just a
253) cute little pedagogically eccentric peccadillo with
lapses of slightly less than lapidarian exactitude in a
hypertrophic assemblage of philoprogenitive periphrasis; a
cosmetically quirky, epigrammatic conglomeration
though in
254) departure from oneirically noumenal divarication and
perhaps not too well-advisedly spiced up here and there with a
few hardly noticeable, insignificantly extraneous excesses:
mere mites of ignescent ire and wild exaggeration
255) just might possibly, accidentally, sometimes seem to evince a
piecemeal pattern of more than nugatory nuance
, the
most fleetingly diaphanous, ghostly shade or shadow of
picaresque rebellion and pique
in the intimation
256) even the very tiniest, teensy-weensy, itsy-bitsy
vaporously misanthropic
spec, a minutely wee scintilla, or a
muffled mini-mote, or halting half-hint
of surly ill will, or
overweening, oafishly obstreperous objurgation;
257) spankingly sparky, briskly sputtering spiel spryly spun as a
first rate, spiffy specimen of premonitory specification
; even a
precautionary conjuration assiduously obtunded with an
obligatory budget of meticulously minced moralization
258) multifaceted opusculum, blistering and incisively mordant,
well furbished, fulgently fraught and fully fuddled (just for fun) with the
falderal of a few forgivably frisky, effetely frolicsome frills
favorably fungible feats and features of fervently facetious alliteration;
in a
259) meekly mannered, if a mite muzzled, mustering of murmurings;
maybe merely a middling, mildly mythical manufacture, while yet a
mountainous melange of manifoldly mansuetudinous mien:
of plain and simple exoterica, a mean monumentalization,
but for the
260) Great Unwashed, nevertheless an enigmatic entreaty
propounded for the cognoscenti in ornately florid arabesques of
wheedling placation and masterly tactical understatement
grease the transportation of such an apodictic adjuration
that we
261) rally ourselves to raise an unforgettably illustrious ruckus by
rousting a really ravishing, razzle-dazzle reformation until,
inevitably, we rouse a royally ringing reification; the
turbulent tintinnabulation of a stupendous remonstration
262) playfully pouncing and bouncing with an all-out allocation of
vinegar, vivacious nerve and purely evangelical verve
; by
boldly rebuffing, dashing, trashing and thrashing with
affective audacities of personal animation
all the
263) mephitic old mantras of mystical mush and malarkey in the
installation and insincerely vaunted veneration of the
pharisaically rectitudinous, malignantly pea-brained,
murderously malicious maladministration
of our
264) nightmarish mishmash of mesmeric muses like the
psychedelic mentorings of mental mumbo jumbo, the
hotheaded hammerings of hypnoid hooey and the
half-witted hucksterings of somnifacient cerebration,
all by the
265) formal canonization of a cosmic quantitation (thus
forging an epiphanic, if rose-colored, idealization
) of the
incumbency of our mission, our operational organization to
reorder the activation of our messianic obligation

266) individually effloresce with artesian effervescence in a
sparkling impersonation of that parturient percolation which
forever effects an unvarying affluence of emanation
in the
exercise of every exorcistic manifestation
of our
267) transcendental thinking: our always ascensive awareness in the
ecliptic illumination of crepuscular contemplation; in the
peace of steady self-subdual in quiet vespertine ponderings; in
all our fanciful flights of pleasurably astral meditation;
268) every easily communicable, but appropriately, transmissible reverie
resulting from luxuriation in richly refringent rumination on
all the numerous gifts of newly numinous magnification from
overflowing fountains of spontaneous inspiration
269) when we feel bogged and boggled, even slogging hobbled from
brouhahas blooming out of busily boorish bungling, and
half-mummified under tons of such awful terrestrial offal as
deadening propaedeutics of musty antiquation
270) nothing less heretical or effectually iconoclastic, or of
any less frigorifically cataclysmic implication than a
sudden panplanetary quake; a dire seismic shattering; an
inarguably earnest orgy of eruptive extirpation
of the
271) inextricable taproots of the metaphysical Gordian knot; the
gravely grinding, grubby, ghastly, ungirdedly galloping gumbo; the
horribly hulking, humongously gargantuan gallimaufry; the
whole gruesomely gust-gutting gyve of mental molestation;
in short,
272) all aspects of the gutter school of allowable diableries, like
epigonous hacking in hierodulic simulation of a
less worldly, (meaning less lucrative,) but still, nevertheless,
much more fit and meritorious musical creation
ever hope to echo, with natural facility and concinnity, in
peals upon beauteously trolling peals of plangent effusion, in
copious paeans of unalloyed, resemblant reciprocation to
effulgently sweet, sympathetic synergisms of reverberation
274) unassailable ascendency of our notable harmonization and the
broadly synesthetic sunlit sweep of this, our avocation; our
all-embracing propagation; our joint matutinal declaration; our
seminal covenantal compact; the adamantine affirmation
of our
275) commanding plenary promise of an utterly incomprehensibe and
magnificent endowment of the most oddly omnificent empowerment
once and for all, be finally found fueling the thrust of this, our very own
colorific anointing
; our most highly heuristic graduation
into the
sparkling crystal skies; the bright cerulean upper air of
clean, gorgeously pristine, celestial ethereality; into the
freshly fertile magic of millennial manumission; our
newness in blessed birth by benificent emancipation,
277) nobly enabling the refreshment, renewal and revisitation; even the
very most engagingly sonorous redintegration of our
constantly annoyance-responsive, long-lurking, peeve-goaded,
twisted intransigency of a defining desideration

278) great gushes of gaiety and heart-tickling giggling glee in
gladsome revenge by the otherwise goodly perpetration of
coltish recalcitrance and grinning gladiatorial defiance
in a
smartly smirking gusto of featly insubordination
to all those
279) growling and glowering, glaringly gormless ninnyhammers; those
small-time, two-bit nitwits; pickle-sucking gutless wonders; those
slavering, slithering, slick snickering snollygosters who, by
eclectic infidelities of perfidious machination,
(at least
280) according to the firsthand accounting of internalization,
right up to the sorry point of exanthematic reanimation, of
capacious grieving at the brink of lacrimation in the
pains of my own personal primary observation
281) slyly seek to seduce their trails of trophy toadying sycophants into
crescively ecstatic thralls begetting truckling subjugation
, and to
doughtily cosset and humbug every single last one of them into
omnifarious methodologies of deliberate depredation;
282) cantankerous old clods, cranks and costively crabby crackpots; that
adulatory, impassable passel of pampered professorial pygmies; those
nattering nerds and nebbishes, expressively moribund from an
obvious epidemic of terminal passion-constipation
283) reigning panoply of persistently pertinacious potentates; those
lilliputian popinjays; those tatterdemalion panjandra; those
quidnuncs illicitly self-enthroned by fratricidal slander and
other serpiginous treacheries of censorious defamation
284) nomological aphasia, and flaky flap and flubdub of whose
despicably invidious wiles would steadfastly beset, bedaub and
combatively bedevil our every endeavor
with astonishing magnitudes of
inextinguishable blur and immaterial complication
285) miscreant neonabobs; those magisterial mavens of naught whose
aeonian anamneses in mind-muddling maunderings and screeds can
still give us a good case of the chilling willies while daftly defying the
much needed benefits of quantitative elucidation
286) appallingly paroxysmal stem-winders of studied swooning, whose
steamy recitals of gasping and hyperpneic panting, all
reprehensibly repleat with unrepeatable impracticalities of
pathological pap and pointedly pompous pontification

287) fat-headed fare-thee-wells of flamboyant flippancy;
flushes of snuffy fewtrils and fey flummoxing flummeries of
semantic torque: a linguistical slaughterhouse, a lexical abattoir of
syntactical declination, inspissation and insolubilization
288) forever emit a nauseating but fashionably fetid effluvium of
defiling sullage
; a churning load of psychotropic rot; a
legacy of lack and lackadaisical emasculation; an
inescapable irrevocability in phrenic evisceration.

May a
289) roisterous rush of heady huzzahs, hails and hallelujahs, a
whoopla of hoots and hollers in wildly whooshing vociferation, a
hotly erumptent manifesto of our clangorous exhilaration in
heraldic light of the urgently incipient consummation
of a
290) brand newly annunciatory day of dispensation; an
epoch of unification in dedication to concentration on
aviation by flotation through untethered elevation on the
thermal winds of this, our covenantal determination

291) expurgatory cooperation in the extrication and elimination of
enclutteration from the subcutaneous growth by accumulation of
exanimate emotional muck
stuck in a deep sedimentation of
troglodytic crud and carbuncular incrustation

292) left unexposed, can ably clamp, cramp, crimp, cripple and crush our
still freshly tender tendrils of early evolving motivation for the
victorious expiration and saving supplantation of
indignities that stanch us down to stygian stagnation,
and may the
293) elixir; the apogee; the pinnacle; the very top of the ladder; the
shining capstone; the gleeming crown; the exquisite culmination; the
aureate acme of acmies; even the auricular apex of our
unshakled odyssey of anabatic tranformation,
be an
294) audible morning love song; a sweet symphonious aubade; an
aptly august apotheosis of coactive consecration to a
confluence, a grand concurrence of invulnerable individuation; a
candent consolidation of consentaneous rejuvenation
in the
295) triumphant apparition of dispositional qualification for the
apotropaic nay-saying, nixing, negation and nullification of
illusory apprehension's old draconian throat-clutching clench, and of
maleficent minification by dictation of inhibiting intimidation
296) inoculative lustration by inosculative substantiation in a
high-flying rumpus of admonitory retaliation on a
paradisiacal plane of ecumenical colligation as we
throw a heavenly riot of joyful song and celebration.


libertine lunacy of those lolloping loopy loons - the wild and wacky adventures of goofy persons who skip and bounce everywhere, instead of walking, and choose not to be weighed down by inconvenient societal constraints
unenlightened luminaries of schlock and maculation - rich and famous empty-headed icons of popular culture who have no qualms about being unshamable presenters and cheerleaders of all things coarse and degrading
licentious gurus always leering through a kooky, criminous crock - those promoters of adolescent degeneracy who know what they're doing and laugh all the way to the bank
superbly fetching but still and all infernal sustentation - making yourself look good by jumping on the bandwagon even though it's a wonderfully poor choice
(back to verse 241)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

physiological contortion - seen when a rock star performs his music as if he has a swarm of bees up his undershirt
mental destabilization by the stylization of such graphically associative gyration - where, by doing things in public that shouldn't even be discussed in polite company, you make us sufficiently unstable, psychiatrically, to actually enjoy the show
pulverizing, plaster-cracking, ear-splitting generation - creating a sonic ambiance (like a rock concert, or your alarm clock in the morning, or your boss speaking) so loud that your brain rattles and you think your head is going to crack right down the middle
marketably subcortical, animalistic titillation - a source of artificial arousal so base and primitive that you can actually get rich by selling it
(back to verse 242)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

mindlessly miscarried minions - avid followers who don't realize they are barking up the wrong tree (Huh?)
misemployed pelf - wasted wealth
economic preponderation - the loathsome corruption driven by the power of money
eupeptic spates of self-serving panegyrics - happy outbursts where you throw yourself on the ground, swooning and fainting in rapturous hero-worship (the way many young men hope their girlfriends will respond to their marriage proposals)
erosively grungy, encomiastic emulation - people becoming completely degenerate in the belief that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
(back to verse 243)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

keep feeding our boobish, lazily lurdan and preciously latitudinarian state of disorganization - continue to assist us in our efforts to avoid saving ourselves from falling ever deeper into mentally impenetrable, conscience-impervious and flagrantly uninhibited moral confusion
consumable fundament of unfiltered, fulsome filth - the basic principle supporting all the vice and corruption made readily available for the enjoyment of people who want to destroy themselves with it
insatiable apetence for succulent vulgarization - our bottomless appetite for juicy, delicious spiritual poison
(back to verse 244)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

optative opus - a piece of work that expresses a specific desire for something to happen (like a death warrent, or a birthday party invitation)
opines obviously not, nor oppugns uptight with deontological thunderation - where somebody certainly isn't too pushy with their opinion
niggles with natty nips - tries to be smart and funny while arguing over dumb little things like whether or not to pull the trigger
aphoristic non sequiturs - where you use cute little sayings that have nothing to do with what you're talking about
gamely gimps with gambits of platitudinal ossification - keeps limping along with verbal shenanigans that are as stiff, old-fashioned and meaningless as they were when we first heard them hundreds of years before we were born.
(back to verse 245)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

traduces with any order of impish impartation of unkind or inclemently impudent imprecation - has a swell time spreading malicious lies any way possible
inveigles, feints or finagles with fallacious didactics or any chic shibboleths of subreptitious allegation - tries to make a point by using phony arguments and nasty lies about people
(back to verse 246)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

without absence of malice - the presence of malice; you meant to do it
glibly adversarial with platonic obliquities of extortive evasion - where you intentionally confuse the issue with all kinds of impractical theories that we can't understand, hoping we'll give in from sheer exhaustion
glumly inveigh with any peevingly eggheaded, discrepantly discursive disgraces of deviation - where you gloomily protest, making people mad by rambling on and on, completely off the subject, often seeming to chang your mind and contradicting things you said earlier (the way politicians try to convince us that their careers in public service have nothing to do with pride, lust, greed or power)
(back to verse 247)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

outrage by the ordure of odious obloquy - using morally degraded and hatefully abusive language to make people angry
stiff, stubbornly scrappy and impulsive defiance against supposedly imposing structure or standard of self-regulation - wild, automatic "knee-jerk" reaction against the mere thought of devastating your lifestyle through any kind of self-control just because it would make everyone else safer and happier
(back to verse 248)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

willed to be an unwieldy, wild and wooly wail whose whalish warp and woof is to widely wiggle and waffle - written to be a hair-raising complaint in which you keep changing the subject, similar (though improbably so) to the way in which whales complain
hornswoggling gammon - a speech which intends to deceive, but probably won't
indefensibe diatribe - a wild list of complaints that have no logic
ignorant, extraordinarily illiberal incarnation - yet another wacky idea brought to life
(back to verse 249)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

rapacious advocacy by the dialectic distortion of occult logomachies - being so eager to make your point that you resort to twisted reasoning and never-before-imagined arguments about the meanings of words
donnish dogmatization in a doltishly dithyrambic, knockdown dither - in block-headedly professorial manner, trying to establish something as natural law, and giving yourself a nervous breakdown in the excitement of it all
obtrusion of Olympian obnubilation - the unwelcome imposition of a really massive cover-up
(back to verse 250)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

dismally undiplomatic - using your special gift for turning friends into enemies
hurtfully hard-boiled - where you unwisely trample over someone's feelings
incensingly impolitic incendiary bomb - something you say to your friend without any concern that it might make him explode into flames
miserably misanthropic - something you say to your friend that makes him angry enough to start beating vigorously upon your head and upper torso
ontically operose - tedious and tiresome
assertively assumptive avouchment of the added adaptation - your absolute, but unnecessary, insistence that something is acceptable as long as circumstances make it convenient or pleasurable
(back to verse 251)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

adolescently antipodean and freely factitious catholicity - where, all for the fun of being rebellious, there's nothing you won't do to prove that your mind is open to any crazy idea
oleaginous oscillation - when you keep changing your mind so often that people start calling you "Butter Brain" because you can't hold on to an idea
affords more than a few unforgettable frets and flowery flourishes of paradigmatic reversal and confounding confutation - inspires many sweet memories of life's upheavals, moral disillusionments and intellectual confusion
(back to verse 252)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

pedagogically eccentric peccadillo - a slightly offensive and unusual mannerism which a teacher brings to the classroom, such as giving permission for students to speak by shooting them with a squirt gun instead of calling them by name
lapses of slightly less than lapidarian exactitude - odd moments when your brain isn't working with quite the precision and concentration of a precious gem cutter
hypertrophic assemblage of philoprogenitive periphrasis - where your words turn into bigger and bigger messes of bigger and bigger words each time you try to say anything
cosmetically quirky, epigrammatic conglomeration - a collection of witty sayings that seem on the surface to be very strange
(back to verse 253)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

departure from oneirically noumenal divarication - where you stop arriving at contrary opinions that are based on your imagination
insignificantly extraneous excesses - little extra things that don't really matter
mites of ignescent ire - teensy weensy bits of explosive anger
(back to verse 254)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

evince a piecemeal pattern of more than nugatory nuance - reveal that every once in a while you employ the tactic of clever subtlety
most fleetingly diaphanous, ghostly shade or shadow of picaresque rebellion and pique - the very mildly naughty thing you did, which some people didn't even notice, while others found cause to look askance, depending on how close they were standing to the bomb when it went off. If only they could understand that you're basically a vicious psychopath who is trying to make his lonely way through life without killing too many people
intimation - a delicate suggestion or hint of something, like when the policeman breaks news to a woman of her husband's death by first saying his wristwatch got smashed, and when she asks how, he says a moving company dropped a grand piano on him from a tenth-floor window
(back to verse 255)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

vaporously misanthropic - having hardly any hatred at all in your heart for everybody in the world
spec, a wee scintilla, muffled mini-mote, or halting half-hint - an amount too small to be useful in a cooking recipe
surly ill will - what you could almost certainly expect from the IRS when you pay your taxes in pennies
overweening, oafishly obstreperous objurgation - getting yelled at by an uncontrollably arrogant blockhead
(back to verse 256)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

spankingly sparky, briskly sputtering spiel spryly spun as a first rate, spiffy specimen of premonitory specification - an incredibly energetic speech that clearly warns us of something to come (but I can't remember what it was)
precautionary conjuration - a solemn appeal to be careful (as your mother would make before you walk a tightrope across Niagara Falls, or as your wife would make before you talk back to her mother)
assiduously obtunded with an obligatory budget of meticulously minced moralization - where, to keep people from getting mad and hitting each other over the head with their Bibles, you explain the difference between right and wrong using only words that will ensure nobody has any idea what you are saying
(back to verse 257)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

multifaceted opusculum - something you've written that is very small, yet has many aspects to it, like a literary diamond
blistering and incisively mordant - describes something you said that managed to exceed even the sharply sarcastic and cutting qualities of what you said before that
well furbished, fulgently fraught and fully fuddled (just for fun) with the falderal of a few forgivably frisky, effetely frolicsome frills - all fixed up for the festivities
favorably fungible feats and features of fervently facetious alliteration - where you repeat the first letter in a string of words, but accomplishing that counts for more than the strict meaning of the words themselves
(back to verse 258)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

meekly mannered, if a mite muzzled, mustering of murmurings - a non-grueling grundle of grumblings, or a collection of fairly compliant complaints
middling, mildly mythical manufacture - something you've produced in your dreams that is less than outstanding but not horrible (like throwing a pie into the face of the Vice-President instead of the President - all in good fun, or course!)
mountainous melange of manifoldly mansuetudinous mien - a huge pile of evidence that you are basically mild and gentle, and not prone to beating people up without good cause
of plain and simple exoterica, a mean monumentalization - a pretty solid and lasting example of your writings that are suitable for polite company (as opposed to the rest of them that are not)
(back to verse 259)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Great Unwashed - the world's masses of ignorant people (not based on whether or not they bathe)
enigmatic entreaty - a request that makes no sense (like your 10-year-old asking if she can have the car for a few days, without telling you why)
propounded for the cognoscenti in florid arabesques of wheedling placation and masterly tactical understatement - explained in language designed for those who think they already know everything, flowing with flowery turns of phrase that flatter while leaving out most of the truth so as not to make people angry
grease the transportation of such an apodictic adjuration - make it easier to swallow the bitter pill of absolute certainty in the unwelcome advice you're getting (like, "You will die a horrible death if you don't wash the dishes before you take your bath, but here, in the mean time I'll fill your bathtub with chocolate pudding")
(back to verse 260)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

rally ourselves to raise an unforgettably illustrious ruckus - get up, pull ourselves together, and have a good riot - better than anybody else's
rousting a really ravishing, razzle-dazzle reformation - causing a change that will knock your socks off
inevitably, we rouse a royally ringing reification - there's no stopping us as we bring this idea into resounding reality
turbulent tintinnabulation of a stupendous remonstration - the long ear-shattering ringing of wild bells as part of a huge protest (actually, it's just carrying out your threat when free pizza was not delivered)
(back to verse 261)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

playfully pouncing and bouncing with an all-out allocation of vinegar, vivacious nerve and purely evangelical verve - fearlessly diving in, using all your might to bash, batter, beat and bludgeon, flog, hammer, lash and lather, kick and lick, paddle, pound, pummel and punch, thrash and thump, wildly whale, whip and whomp (phew!) presumably working toward a rational objective
boldly rebuffing, bashing, trashing and thrashing with affective audacities of personal animation - rejecting and destrying something with all the brazen brassiness and emotional intensity you can bring to bear (the way a certain humorless high school music theory teacher in 1965 reacted to a certain creative piece of homework produced by a certain writer of this poem, with blood-red ink)
(back to verse 262)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

mephitic old mantras of mystical mush and malarkey - various old slogans and left-over sayings filled with unintelligible nonsense (a true stench in the nostrils of the intellect)
installation and insincerely vaunted veneration - putting something in place and then making a gaudy show of worshipping it
pharisaically rectitudinous, malignantly pea-brained - just like bosses we've all worked for whose pride magnified their stupidity whenever they were acting as if their brains had been transplanted from hummingbirds, and whose presence created a work-place culture of destructive ineptitude
murderously malicious maladministration - the normal state of government when the people keep electing corrupt politicians
(back to verse 263)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

nightmarish mishmash of mesmeric muses - the awful cesspool of nefarious inspirations that hypnotize people into selling their souls
psychedelic mentorings of mental mumbo jumbo - that which often succeedes in animating the national consciousness every time we vote, or which drives obscure religious distortions like the fostering of hatred and mass murder instead of the really boring concept of loving and serving each other, or which drives other perversion of human decency like murdering unborn human babies, or even killing the babies who survive those attempts at murdering them, all as a means of birth-control, or academically encouraging gratuitous uglification in the arts, or whatever whacky ideas lead us down a buttered chute to policies that are uncivilized and degenerate
hotheaded hammerings of hypnoid hooey - the forceful efforts by which you work yourself into a lather to promote the somewhat less than brilliant ideas you make up in your sleep
half-witted hucksterings of somnifacient cerebration - goofy ideas that pile up in our minds and eventually send us crawling away until we fall asleep
(back to verse 264)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

formal canonization of a cosmic quantitation - our own personal, final and absolute determination of what the laws of nature happen to be, regardless of what they are
thus forging an epiphanic, if rose-colored, idealization - thereby bringing into concrete reality an optimistic idea that could only have begun as a startling intuition
incumbency of our mission, our operational organization to reorder the activation of our messianic obligation - the majestic responsibility that history has placed upon our shoulders to grow up and get our act together
(back to verse 265)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

individually effloresce with artesian effervescence - each one of us sparkling brightly on the strength of our own personal bubbliness
sparkling impersonation - a brilliant and witty imitation of someone
parturient percolation which forever effects an unvarying affluence of emanation - the liveliness of your creative powers which make you unable to stop until you're finished, or until the other inmates drag you out of the room because it's their turn now
exercise of every exorcistic manifestation - the use of every power we have to drive the devil out (no matter how unpopular it makes us with his friends)
(back to verse 266)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

transcendental thinking - taking your mind outside the proverbial box (but virtically)
ascensive awareness - where, increasingly, you actually imagine you know what's happening
ecliptic illumination of crepuscular contemplation - the blinding flashes of brilliance that accompany your deepest thoughts during the golden twilight as day quietly fades into night while you are out walking your dog, or maybe sitting on top of a flagpole somewhere because it's getting dark and you are lost, and now you can't get down
self-subdual in quiet vespertine ponderings - moral victories and noble urges in the sobering darkness of night
fanciful flights of pleasurably astral meditation - your daydreams and the delicious accompanying sensation of leaving your body for a while
(back to verse 267)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

every easily communicable, but appropriately, transmissible reverie - every dream that you are able to share with others without getting slapped
resulting from luxuriation in richly refringent rumination - comes from getting lost in your own thought process in which you evaluate your past experience through the broadening lens of accumulated wisdom
gifts of newly numinous magnification from overflowing fountains of spontaneous inspiration - bits of genuine spiritual insight among the flashes of ideas that keep flooding your mind
(back to verse 268)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

bogged and boggled, even slogging hobbled - the way you feel after just running a marathon, or after a long day of marching through the desert as a combat soldier with full battle gear, or any time at all if you are the mother of several little boys
brouhahas blooming out of busily boorish bungling - all the childishly bureaucratic in-fighting among mid-level managers who don't know the first thing about their own jobs, let alone working with people
half-mummified under tons of such awful terrestrial offal as deadening propaedeutics of musty, dusty antiquation - where you've been dead for several weeks because a bookcase full of heavy textbooks full of old ideas that once made sense, but would now make you hold your nose and run for cover, if you were still alive, fell on top of you
(back to verse 269)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

heretical or effectually iconoclastic - something that attacks common beliefs (for example, the photos of the earth taken from the moon, which shattered the belief of many that the earth is flat as a pancake)
frigorifically cataclysmic implication - something that chillingly suggests upheaval, demolition and disaster (like when a 2-year-old child wakes up too early from his nap)
panplanetary quake; a dire seismic shattering - how your alarm clock sounds to you in the morning, and then, also, how it feels when you immediately fall out of bed
inarguably earnest orgy of eruptive extirpation - how mothers and wives view their little boys' (young and old) sincere believe in having as much fun as possible by blowing up and destroying as many things as possible
(back to verse 270)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

inextricable taproots of the metaphysical Gordian knot - the indestructible foundation of all our problems
gravely grinding, grubby, ghastly, ungirdedly galloping gumbo - a gruesomely ugly, stench-ridden and inconveniently cyclopean blob which we would be happy to keep safely ignoring, except that now it's gaining speed as it rolls down the hill of life gobbling up everything in its path
horribly hulking, humongously gargantuan gallimaufry - a prodigiously supersized assortment of things that are lasciviously coarse, crude and lewd
gruesomely gust-gutting gyve of mental molestation - shackles of annoyance that hold you back and tear all the fun and williwaws out of your personal style (like basic rules of civilized behavior such as not licking your plate when you are having dinner with the Queen, or not emitting a long, loud belch as you begin speaking in church, or the strange rule about never pulling out a squirt-gun when the police officer asks to see your driver's license
(back to verse 271)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

gutter school of allowable diableries - our appallingly odious tradition of not being bothered when evil rears its ugly head
epigonous hacking in hierodulic simulation - pretending to be a real artist while slavishly prostituting whatever talent you have for wealth and fame
less worldly - less popular
meaning less lucrative - polite code for situations like if your house blows up in the middle of the night, the good news is it won't cost you as much as a daytime explosion
much more fit and meritorious musical creation - much better at serving art, feeding the soul and blessing mankind
(back to verse 272)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

echo, with natural facility and concinnity, in peals upon beauteously trolling peals of plangent effusion, copious paeans of unalloyed, resemblant reciprocation to effulgently sweet, sympathetic synergisms of reverberation - to answer with equally joyous and glorious music in their naturally eruptive response to all the splendid vibrations which are bouncing around and thus increasing in strength as they follow and blend into each other
(back to verse 273)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

unassailable ascendency of our notable harmonization - the unstoppable growth of our suddenly imposing ability to bring our dynamic visions into sympathetic agreement
broadly synesthetic sunlit sweep of this, our avocation - the soaring, upward movement of our work of love which, illumined by the brightness of the sun, seems to blend all of our senses together into one
all-embracing propagation - the spreading forth of a large idea which brings everything into account
matutinal declaration - an important statement to the world, (such as, "We're going back to our beds if we can remember where they are!") for the making of which we all got up very early in the morning
seminal covenantal compact - the original solemn promise we made to each other
adamantine affirmation - an unyielding, decisively portentous declaration (like "I will not tell you where I hid the pudding until you tell me where you hid my pants!" or "Try that one more time and I'll pull the trigger!")
(back to verse 274)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

commanding plenary promise - a declaration made in such absolute terms that you even impress yourself
utterly incomprehensible and magnificent endowment of the most oddly omnificent empowerment - an unusual bestowal of unlimited creative powers, which, when you think about it, makes your mind explode into little pieces (do don't)
fueling the thrust of this, our colorific anointing - giving power and purpose to this calling from divinity itself, which sends out beams of authority, truth and vitality
heuristic graduation - where you learn vastly more than ever before by being thrust into a higher realm
(back to verse 275)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

cerulean - the color of the deep blue sky
clean, gorgeously pristine, celestial ethereality - magnificently unspoiled heavenly refinement (the innocence of babies until we get our hands on them)
freshly fertile magic of millennial manumission - the special kind of creativity that bursts forth when we are released from intellectual servility into a state of happiness and perfection (the common dream of new high school graduates, and a magnificent illusion not easily surrendered to experience)
benificent emancipation - where you are set free for your own good
(back to verse 276)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

nobly enabling the refreshment, renewal and revisitation - making it possible for you to take the high road by returning something in better shape than it was when you got it
very most engagingly sonorous redintegration of our constantly annoyance-responsive, long-lurking, peeve-goaded, twisted intransigency of a defining desideration - where the most incongruously glorious music brings a flood of old perverted desires and driving angers to remind us of what savages we used to be
(back to verse 277)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

gladsome revenge by the otherwise goodly perpetration of coltish recalcitrance and grinning gladiatorial defiance - where you would best enjoy getting payback by refusing to follow stupid old rules of vengeance such as beating up the guy who wronged you, by instead taking him out to dinner and covering his seat with an inflated whoopee cushion
smartly smirking gusto of featly insubordination - the keen, sassy enjoyment of finding new and better ways to avoid doing the dumb things your boss tells you to
(back to verse 278)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

growling and glowering, glaringly gormless ninnyhammers - small-minded pea-brains who don't have any gorm, but who nevertheless try to intimidate others by pretending to be angry all the time; those individuals who, because of their paralized facial growl, might be selected by their peers as the most likely to get themselves eaten by a bear
slavering, slithering - slobbering and crawling on your belly like a snake who drools
slick snickering snollygosters - shrewd, unprincipled people who somehow manage to look like admirably depraved cretins when they laugh at you behind your back
eclectic infidelities of perfidious machination - any kind of dirty trick you prefer as the means by which to get yourself stabbed in the back
(back to verse 279)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

firsthand accounting of internalization, right up to the sorry point of exanthematic reanimation, of capacious grieving at the brink of lacrimation in the pains of my own personal primary observation - understood and reported, from having lived through horrors which keep coming back to you in flashbacks, like an eruptive disease, and they make you want to cry
(back to verse 280)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

slyly seek to seduce their trophy trails of toadying sycophants to crescively ecstatic thralls begetting truckling subjugation - intending to ingeniously lure their mindless minions, of whose destruction they are alredy proud, through increasing levels of emotional control until they become willingly abject slaves
doughtily cosset and humbug - continually pamper and mollycoddle people, just to make them easier to deceive
omnifarious methodologies of deliberate depredation - any and all schools of thought on how best to ravage, pillage and plunder the homes, livelihoods and working brains of others, just for fun
(back to verse 281)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

cantankerous old clods, cranks and costively crabby crackpots - curmudgeonly old nut cases who behave like they're walking around naked in a cactus patch
adulatory, impassable passel of pampered professorial pygmies - the great number of small-minded, insignificant persons who loudly pretend to have brains in their heads instead of helium, but are hard to ignore because all the other helium-heads welcome them with worshipful, wide-eyed wonder (Note: No disrespect to anyone whose head might actually be filled with helium through no fault of their own.)
nattering nerds and nebishes, expressively moribund from an obvious epidemic of terminal passion-constipation - intellectuals and academic types, normally as animated as walking zombies, or other living cadavers, who can't share or even handle their emotions but are very good at making meaningless public uproars for those who enjoy that sort of thing
(back to verse 282)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

reigning panoply of persistently pertinacious potentates - the amazing array of people in this world whose minds are closed and usually empty, who have managed to trick, swindle, scheme, cheat, deceive, manipulate, wiggle and wangle themselves into positions of power, and then, sadly, manage to stay there by the same means
lilliputian popinjays - people who are proud and pompous, and try to look more important than they are, while inwardly, are very small and ought to be ashamed of themselves
tatterdemalion panjandra - powerful people who got where they are by means of tricking, swindling, scheming, cheating, deceiving, manipulating, wiggling and wangling (see above), and, happily, are having trouble hanging on
quidnuncs illicitly self-enthroned by fratricidal slander and other serpiginous treacheries of censorious defamation - gossipmongers who gain power they haven't earned, except by climbing over the bodies of friends and associates whom they've destroyed with lies and rumors ("but that's only business, after all")
(back to verse 283)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

nomological aphasia, and flaky flap and flubdub - an uproar of such stupid nonsense that it could only be created by someone who is wordless in the face of reason, but perfectly comfortable in a twittering tizzy
despicably invidious wiles - despicably artful tricks for deceiving people into feelings of contention
beset, bedaub and combatively bedevil our every endeavor - when you frustrate, attack, torment, harass, hamper, muddle, complicate, confuse, try to make look vulgar and otherwise stand in the way of, everything we're trying to do
astonishing magnitude of inextinguishable blur and immaterial complication - a mind-blowing amount of needless confusion and difficulty
(back to verse 284)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

miscreant neonabobs - those few blessed souls among us who have suddenly stumbled into wealth and power, and humbly express their gratitude for it by deepening their devotion to more expensive forms depravity and debauchery
magisterial mavens of naught - masterly wizards of nothing
aeonian anamneses - forever living in the past, yet anxious for the future because it will soon be the past and then they can live in it
mind-muddling maunderings and screeds - speeches so long and disorganized that if all the exits hadn't been locked, nobody would be left to throw tomatoes at the speakers when they're finished
chilling willies - heebie-jeebies, screaming meemies,
daftly defying the much needed benefits of quantitative elucidation - foolishly failing to clear things up when that's what is most needed
(back to verse 285)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

appallingly paroxysmal stem-winders of studied swooning - where, after lots of careful rehearsing, you throw Academy Award-worthy fainting spells
steamy recitals of gasping and hyperpneic panting - when you are standing there, convulsively breathing your guts out, trying to explain that you were just chased by a wild herd of angry elephants whom you never even had a chance to stop and ask what their problem was, or if they would just let you get them some help before they trample you flat
reprehensibly repleat with unrepeatable impracticalities of pathological pap and pointedly pompous pontification - filled with diseased balderdash and other highly-inflated claptrap, and you're responsible for it
(back to verse 286)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

fat-headed fare-thee-wells of flamboyant flippancy - ultimate perfection when it comes to colorful and wildly inappropriate goofiness
flushes of snuffy fewtrils - where, being a snob who never grew up, you unleash great floods of emotion over stupid things (like whether you ought to install a hot tub in your limousine)
fey flummoxing flummeries - elaborate ceremonial procedures that seem to have come from the planet Zork
semantic torque - the written style of legal contracts, instruction manuals, and other documents where being understood is of least importance to the writer; where you twist your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary far enough to prove that even you don't wouldn't understand what you are trying to say
linguistical slaughterhouse, a lexical abattoir of syntactical declination, inspissation and insolubilization - an attempted use of language in which we find its complete destruction
(back to verse 287)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

emit a nauseating but fashionably fetid effluvium of defiling sullage - to inflict the nostrils of our conscience with a sickening, though socially encouraged, stink of immoral sewage
churning load of psychotropic rot - symbolizes a class of exceedingly bad ideas, such as free indulgence in chemically unstable heaps of putrefaction that directly effect our brains, in which many of us waste vast amounts of money so that we can hope to enjoy a few fleeting moments of dubiously enhanced perception or physical thrill, often associated with visible identifiers of societal non-conformity through ironically group-conforming fashion choices including vestments of grunge and permanent, structural or cosmetically decorative alterations to our bodies, especially our faces, sometimes including our teeth and our eyeballs
legacy of lack and lackadaisical emasculation - where through the negligence of others, we have inherited gross inadequacies to the point of complete debilitation
inescapable irrevocability in phrenic evisceration - where there is no way to avoid the total destruction of our minds
(back to verse 288)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

roisterous rush of hails, heady huzzahs and hallelujahs - an explosion of joyously celebratory shouts where you soon loose your voice and can only make loud squeeks, but gradually you are able to perform other vocal eruptions that would at least get you thrown out of a public library or out of the peanut gallery observing a surgical head transplant
whoopla of hoots and hollers in wildly whooshing vociferation - boisterous merrymaking with great rushes of shouting and other tumultuous outbursts which do not end until everyone has passed out from exhaustion, or hunger and thirst, or exposure to the elements, or from being beaten up by the neighbors
hotly erumpent manifesto of our clangorous exhilaration - the bursting forth, as if by volcanic eruption, of our public declaration that we intend to widely broadcast our thrills of excitement and joy as if by ringing loud carillons bells, also banging pots and pans from the kitchen, not to exclude spontaneous bagpipe recitals
heraldic light of the urgently incipient consummation - how it suddenly dawns on us that this is all going to be happening before we know it
(back to verse 289)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

annunciatory day of dispensation - the beginning of a new order of things
epoch of unification in dedication to concentration on aviation by flotation through untethered elevation on the thermal winds of this, our covenantal determination - a long period in history marked by our finally deciding to work together so we can all soar as high as we wish, energized by the great purpose we've newly agreed upon
(back to verse 290)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

expurgatory cooperation - helping each other to cleanse our souls
extrication and elimination - pulling something out by the roots and getting rid of it
enclutteration from the subcutaneous accumulation of exanimate emotional muck - your thoughts becoming a jumble of confusion, all because of the lifeless remnants of destructive emotions that got under your skin
deep sedimentation of troglodytic crud and carbuncular incrustation - inappropriate old habits and attitudes that stick to you like a bad rash
(back to verse 291)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

clamp, cramp, crimp, cripple and crush - what you do to your best Sunday clothes when you wear them to play football which stops when the owner of the grass you are playing on soaks you with a hose, so you walk home and stumble into the muddy flower patch exhausted and sound asleep
our still freshly tender tendrils of early evolving motivation - the delicate nature of our initial commitment to try something new
victorious expiration and saving supplantation - where you come out on top by killing something and replacing it with a new and improved model, like for example the destruction of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II, each of which was eventually rebuilt into its full, non-murderous, national glory, or like when you find a fly in your soup at the restaurant so you send it back and get new soup with no flies
indignities that stanch us down to stygian stagnation - where being denied recognition of your talents at work, or being kept from any appropriate form of advancement, plunges you into gloomy feelings of suppression which have been enough to drive some people to get out their assault rifles and try to feel better by committing mass murder
(back to verse 292)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

elixir - the cure-all that cures all the effects of your previous cure-alls which were supposed to cure everything
apogee - the highest point, the high-water mark, the ne plus ultra, the peak, pinnacle, summit and zenith of your excitement
exquisite culmination - where everything comes so beautifully together
aureate acme of acmies - the most grandiloquently golden-hued best of the best
auricular apex - the best of anything that you can hear
unshakled odyssey of anabatic tranformation - your long, unimpeded quest toward intellectual and spiritual perfection
(back to verse 293)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

audible - you can hear it
symphonious aubade - a beautiful morning love song (words and music not needed)
aptly august apotheosis of coactive consecration - the appropriately majestic perfection of our coming together as one for a common purpose
confluence, a grand concurrence of invulnerable individuation - a great flowing together of people in such agreement of purpose that they can simply be their uninhibited selves without feeling swallowed up in so much love or threatened with a smack upside the head
candent consolidation of consentaneous rejuvenation - where, by being of one heart and mind, we can unite in a white heat of fresh energy and youthful vigor
(back to verse 294)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

apparition of dispositional qualification - showing the right attitude (father to son: You'd better start showing a righteous apparition of dispositional qualification, young man, or you'll be receiving from me an unpleasantly physical apparition of my dispositional qualification)
apotropaic nay-saying, nixing, negation and nullification - using reverse psychology to create an environment of such lily-livered evil that the devil himself is too disgusted to hang around
illusory apprehension's old draconian throat-clutching clench - where you feel strangled by your worries, even though you know they're not real
maleficent minification by dictation of inhibiting intimidation - where your fears make you feel too insignificant to accomplish anything
(back to verse 295)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

inoculative lustration by inosculative substantiation - the protective effect of ceremonial purification through our sticking together and supporting each other
high-flying rumpus of admonitory retaliation - where, in response to evil, our extravagent uproar serves to warn everybody to straighten up and fly right, or make the choice to either shape up or ship out
paradisiacal plane of ecumenical colligation - a level of living where, like a paradise, all different kinds of people knit their hearts as one
throw a heavenly riot of joyful song and celebration - like the incomparable fun of a never-ending Handel's "Messiah" sing-along (with wild cheering, confetti and balloons)
(back to verse 296)
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